Alterntaives to Data Grid View The List View control provides several of the data grid view features including multiple columns per item. If you want to use images in columns other than column 1 or buttons then a datagrid view is usually a better choice. Column Types DataGridView columns can setup as: Text Button CheckBox […]
Category: DataGridView
Buttons, Images etc in a DataGridView
Programmatically creating DataGridView with customised items in each cell Setup The DataGridView //—– CREATE THE DATAGRID VIEW COLUMNS —– dataGridView1->AutoGenerateColumns = false; dataGridView1->DataSource = nullptr; //Clear the grid if necessary dataGridView1->Columns->Clear(); //TEXT BOX COLUMN DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ^DataGridColumnString1 = gcnew DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); DataGridColumnString1->HeaderText = "My String Column"; //DataGridColumnString1->ReadOnly = true; //DataGridColumnName->SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode::NotSortable; dataGridView1->Columns->Add(DataGridColumnString1); //BUTTON COLUMN DataGridViewButtonColumn ^DataGridColumnButton1 = […]
Copy To Clipboard
Copy Data Grid View To Clipboard Copies as a spreadsheet so it pastes perfectly into Excel and Word //Set the ClipboardCopyMode property to define if column and row headers should be included dataGridView1->SelectAll(); //Select by individual cell method: //for (Row = 0; Row < dataGridView1->RowCount; Row++) //{ // for (Column = ; Column < dataGridView1->Columns->Count; […]
Creating Data Grid From Arrays
Good resources: First Create A Class To Be Able To Add Data Create a class which has a variable for each column the datagrid will have – the class will be created for each data grid row. You can implement how these properties get set however you want, but a good way is to […]
Setting State Programatically dataGridView1->Rows[Count]->Cells[COL_MAY_EXPORT]->Value = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked; Reading State if (Convert::ToBoolean(dataGridView1->Rows[0]->Cells[3]->Value))
See here for usage example. Changing look so its not a button DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ^DataGridViewComboBoxColumn1 = gcnew DataGridViewComboBoxColumn(); DataGridViewComboBoxColumn1->FlatStyle = FlatStyle::Flat; Reading Value You read the text contents rather than the selected index. Don't use ->ToString() as it causes errors with nulls. if (Convert::ToString(dataGridView1->Rows[0]->Cells[2]->Value) == "")