
Turning On Checkboxes For A TreeView MyTreeView->CheckBoxes = true; Showing Checkboxes only for certain nodes This isn't a feature of TreeView, but can easily be created by using images – see below… Using images for tree view nodes (e.g. checkboxes only for some nodes) Add an image list to your form.  Set its ImageSize property to match the […]

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.Tree View General

Clear Tree View tvSelectProbe->Nodes->Clear(); Add A Node tvSelectProbe->Nodes->Add("Some Text"); Add Sub Nodes The Tree View is made up of TreeNodes which themselves can be made up of TreeNodes… this->SuspendLayout(); //Create first sub node TreeNode ^TreeNode2 = gcnew TreeNode("Tree Node 2"); TreeNode2->Nodes->Add("Sub 2"); //Create second sub node TreeNode ^TreeNode3 = gcnew TreeNode("Tree Node 3"); TreeNode3->Nodes->Add("Sub 3A"); […]

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