Running Another Application As A Process

  using namespace System::Diagnostics;   Create Process if (File::Exists("C:\\Program Files\\Some Folder\\SomeApp.exe")) { Process1 = gcnew Process(); Process1->StartInfo->FileName = "C:\\Program Files\\Some Folder\\SomeApp.exe"; Process1->StartInfo->Arguments = ""; Process1->Start(); Process1->WaitForInputIdle(); }   Is Process Active if ((Process1 != nullptr) && (!Process1->HasExited)) {   Close The Process if ((Process1 != nullptr) && (!Process1->HasExited)) { //Process1->CloseMainWindow(); //Process1->Close(); Process1->Kill(); //Use this instead […]

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Launching Specific Things

Launching A Web Page In A Browser System::Diagnostics::Process::Start(""); Opening file in Notepad using namespace System::Diagnostics; ProcessStartInfo ^startInfo = gcnew ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo->FileName = "C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe"; startInfo->Arguments = "\"" + Path::GetDirectoryName(Application::ExecutablePath) + "\\SomeDocName.Config\""; Process::Start(startInfo); Launching Another Application From C++ using namespace System::Diagnostics; Process::Start("C:\\GVNVR\\ViewLog500.exe"); //or System::Diagnostics::Process::Start("C:\\GVNVR\\ViewLog500.exe"); If you need to pass arguments then use ProcessStartInfo ^startInfo = gcnew ProcessStartInfo(); […]

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