Print a numeric variable
MyString = "abc" + str(MyValue) + "def"
MyString += "hij"
Insert value strings into a string
#Insert variables directly (NOTE THE 'f' BEFORE THE STRING!! - requried for this)
my_string = f"Something {string_a} blah {string_b}"
#Original typical method
my_string = "Something {} blah {}".format(string_a, string_b)
#Or you can name the insertion points with keywords:
my_string = "Something {str_a} blah {str_b}".format(str_b=string_b, str_a=string_a)
Decimal places
For a float value
my_string += f"\nBrightness: {round(my_value, 1)}" #Limit value to 1 decimal place
For an integer value
my_string += f"\nBrightness: {round(float(my_value), 1)}" #Limit value to 1 decimal place
Convert string to value
See here
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