URL Encode and Decode
Category: Strings
Comma Separated Strings
Convert Comma Separated String To List Note, when you split a string on a character that it also ends with, you’ll end up with an empty string at the end of the list. Convert List into comma separated string
Using Strings-Formatting
Trim leading and trailing whitespace Capitalise 1st letter of first word String to lowercase String to uppercase
Special characters in strings
Using Strings-Verifying Strings
Does string start with? Does string end with?
Using Strings-Searching Strings
Does String Contain String in Does string start with Does string end with
Using Strings-Replace and Insert
Using Strings-Parsing
Convert Comma Separated String To List Note, when you split a string on a character that it also ends with, you’ll end up with an empty string at the end of the list.
Using Strings-Extracting
Substring Convert string to value
Using Strings-Characters
String Characters A string is a list of characters Negative indices Negative indices count backward from the end of the string, so string_name[-1] is the last character of the string, etc Altering characters in a string Strings are immutable in Python, so you can’t do this: you have to do this instead: Work through each […]