Converting an array to individual variables

Argument lists may include the … token to denote that the function accepts a variable number of arguments. The arguments will be passed into the given variable as an array; for example:

You can use “…” with an array when calling functions to unpack the array or Traversable variable or literal into the argument list of individual variables.

  $MyArrayValues = array();
  $MyArrayValues[] = "A";
  $MyArrayValues[] = "B";
  SomeFunctionExpectingIndividualVariables($SomeValue, ...$MyArrayValues);

function SomeFunctionExpectingIndividualVariables ($Value1, , mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ])

Convert array to a string

$MyString = implode(", ", $MyArray);    //Outputs each element seperated by ", "

Converting Strings To Numeric Arrays

function ConvertByteStringToByteArray($s)
	return array_slice(unpack("C*", "\0".$s), 1);

function ConvertByteArrayToByteString(array $t)
	return call_user_func_array(pack, array_merge(array("C*"), $t));

function lsbStr2ushortArray($s)
	return array_slice(unpack("v*", "\0\0".$s), 1);

function ushortArray2lsbStr(array $t)
	return call_user_func_array(pack, array_merge(array("v*"), $t));

function lsbStr2ulongArray($s)
	return array_slice(unpack("V*", "\0\0\0\0".$s), 1);

function ulongArray2lsbStr(array $t)
	return call_user_func_array(pack, array_merge(array("V*"), $t));
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