Key & Value Arrays or create like this Accessing array keys and values Remove Array Value
Category: Array
For each
Foreach for arrays inside of an array
Comma Separated Strings
Convert comma separated string to array and test for entries Convert array into comma separated string
Debugging Arrays
Echo the contents of an array If you want to return it, not echo it
Search array
Does value exist in array in_array() checks if the specified value exits in the array. <<Best for value matching test array_search() searches an array for a given value and returns the key, or False Note that in_array() is the better choice if you are value matching within an array, because you can test for a […]
Multidimensional arrays
Two Dimension Arrays PHP arrays can contain a different array in any index, so you can create arrays as nested as you like! You can carry on creating arrays within arrays if desired. Accessing Array Values Creating a multidimensional array Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Does a field value exist within a multi dimensional […]
Array issues
json stored within json fields When you decode remember that you will need to decode the nested json field as a separate decode operation, you won’t get a single array which automatically nests the sub json.
Manipulating Arrays
Remove array entry Inserting New Entry into array Insert at index 0 The rest of the array entries move down if there is already a [0] entry Sort Array Sort by array key ksort() sorts an associative array in ascending order, according to the key
Create Array From
Create An Array From A String With A Delimiter Character Create array of individual digits from a number
Converting Arrays
Converting an array to individual variables Argument lists may include the … token to denote that the function accepts a variable number of arguments. The arguments will be passed into the given variable as an array; for example: You can use “…” with an array when calling functions to unpack the array or Traversable variable […]