//----- 7 SEGMENT DISPLAYS -----
//D0=a | D6=g
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_0 0b00111111
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_1 0b00000110
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_2 0b01011011
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_3 0b01001111
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_4 0b01100110
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_5 0b01101101
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_6 0b01111100
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_7 0b00000111
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_8 0b01111111
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_9 0b01100111
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_HYPHEN 0b01000000
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_E 0b01111001
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_N 0b01010100
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_0_180 0b00111111
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_1_180 0b00110000
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_2_180 0b01011011
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_3_180 0b01111001
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_4_180 0b01110100
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_5_180 0b01101101
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_6_180 0b01100111
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_7_180 0b00111000
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_8_180 0b01111111
#define DISPLAY_7_SEG_9_180 0b01111100
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