Dynamic filename path
Category: Streams (inc File IO)
Working with Files
Does a file exist fopen() Write text file Read text file Get file length Delete file printf the contents of a text file
Working with directories
Does directory exist / create directory
File functions-Reading
fgetc fgets Return next line from a file, or the portion of it up to the buffer size limit: A better way of doing it fgets() doesn’t add a null character at the end of the read data and on some systems can fail to handle mac formatted text files correctly (0x0d only line endings). […]
File functions-Writing
fprintf() fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *StringAndAnyVariableTags); For the tags you can use see here. fputc fputs fwrite fflush() fflush(FILE *stream);
File functions
fopen() fopen(const char *filename, const char *access_mode) fseek ftell – get current position in file as an int long int ftell(FILE *stream) fgetpos fsetpos rewind fclose remove rename clearerr feof ferror