Adjusting tm
struct tm Tm1 = {0};
char TextBuffer[80];
//Convert UTC string to tm
strptime("2020-08-29 11:05:13", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &Tm1); //Convert the character string pointed to by buf to values which are stored in the tm structure pointed to by tm, using the format specified by format
//Convert tm to string
//strftime(TextBuffer, sizeof(TextBuffer), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &Tm1);
//printf("UTC: %s\n", TextBuffer);
//----- ADD SOME DAYS -----
Tm1.tm_mday += 1;
Tm1.tm_mday += 1;
Tm1.tm_mday += 1;
mktime(&Tm1); //Normalise the structure (before you do this, Tm1 will output as "2020-08-32 11:05:13", after you do this "2020-09-01 11:05:13")
strftime(TextBuffer, sizeof(TextBuffer), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &Tm1);
printf("UTC: %s\n", TextBuffer);
Tm1.tm_hour -= 12;
mktime(&Tm1); //Normalise the structure (before you do this, Tm1 will output as "2020-09-01 -01:05:13", after you do this "2020-08-31 23:05:13")
strftime(TextBuffer, sizeof(TextBuffer), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &Tm1);
printf("UTC: %s\n", TextBuffer);
Adjusting time_t
//********** ADD OR SUBTRACT DAYS FROM A DATE **********
void AddSubtractDaysFromDate(struct tm *Date, int DaysToAddOrSubtract)
const time_t ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 ;
time_t DateSeconds = mktime(Date) + (DaysToAddOrSubtract * ONE_DAY) ; //Seconds since start of epoch
*Date = *localtime(&DateSeconds); //Use localtime because mktime converts to UTC so may change date
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