Divi has an alternative theme called “Extra” which is more blog focused
Divi is better for business websites, Extra is primarily a publishing theme – blogs, magazines, news, etc. – any website that publishes lots of content where the content is 
the focus.

Divi blog posts

Use Divi Builder or Use Default Editor

Use Default Editor seems best unless you want to use some of Divi’ special features within your post.
Looks like you can’t select post format with Divi Builder also

Divi does support post format

Use Default Editor (not Use Divi Builder as option not present with it)
For each special post type divi will find the first thing that relates to the format selected and use that as the special thing.  For instance, if you select “Link” as the special post type divi will use the first link in your blog post as the special link to use.
“Link” format
It seems Divi won’t show any excerpt, just post title and link when on list all posts in category page.

Remove sidebar

You can select no sidebar for each post, but sidebar will be displayed for view all posts in category etc.  There is no option to disable, but there are various hacks to do it if important

Feel free to comment if you can add help to this page or point out issues and solutions you have found. I do not provide support on this site, if you need help with a problem head over to stack overflow.


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