IP Address Text Entry Box

You can use a MaskedTextBox with the mask "###.###.###.###"
However its often best just to use a standard text box as the masked text box approah creates issues. Note that the Windows network setup IP address box is not based on a standard tool unfortunately.

Parsing Removing Leading Zero's

IPAddress::TryParse doesn't accept leading zeros's (as it deals with them as octals – bloody stupid but there you go).
So you have to remove them. Do this:

	String ^EnteredIpAddress;
	String ^ParseIpAddress;
	System::Net::IPAddress ^IpAddress;

	EnteredIpAddress = txtIpAddress->Text->Replace(" ", "0");	//For masked text box convert spaces to zero's

	//Remove any leading zero's for the parse function (which treats them as octal markers)
	ParseIpAddress = "." + EnteredIpAddress;			//Add a leading "."
	ParseIpAddress = ParseIpAddress->Replace(".0", ".");	//Remove a leading zero
	ParseIpAddress = ParseIpAddress->Replace(".0", ".");	//Remove a leading zero
	ParseIpAddress = ParseIpAddress->Replace("..", ".0.");		//Correct any bytes which we're zero
	ParseIpAddress = ParseIpAddress->Substring(1);		//Remove the leading "." again
	if (!System::Net::IPAddress::TryParse(ParseIpAddress, IpAddress))
		IpAddress = IPAddress::Parse("");
Alternatively, as a function to call

	//********** FORMAT IP ADDRESS **********
	private: String ^FormatIpAddress (String ^EnteredIpAddress)
		String ^ParseIpAddress;
		System::Net::IPAddress ^IpAddress;

		EnteredIpAddress = EnteredIpAddress->Replace(" ", "");

		//Remove any leading zero's
		ParseIpAddress = "." + EnteredIpAddress;			//Add a leading "."
		ParseIpAddress = ParseIpAddress->Replace(".0", ".");	//Remove a leading zero
		ParseIpAddress = ParseIpAddress->Replace(".0", ".");	//Remove a leading zero
		ParseIpAddress = ParseIpAddress->Replace("..", ".0.");		//Correct any bytes which we're zero
		ParseIpAddress = ParseIpAddress->Substring(1);		//Remove the leading "." again
		if (!System::Net::IPAddress::TryParse(ParseIpAddress, IpAddress))
			IpAddress = IPAddress::Parse("");


Connverting from a IPAddress to a String

	sTemp = IpAddress1->ToString();

Connverting from a string to IP Address

	IPAddress ^address;
	if (!IPAddress::TryParse(OurIpString, address))
		address = IPAddress::Parse("");	//Error - use default broadast address

Connverting from a IP Address To Bytes

	IPEndPoint^ tempIpEP = gcnew IPEndPoint(SourceIpAddress,0);
	EndPoint^ tempRemoteEP = safe_cast<EndPoint^>(tempIpEP);
	SocketAddress^ ThisSocket = tempRemoteEP->Serialize();
	if (ThisSocket->Family == AddressFamily::InterNetwork)
		Port = Convert::ToInt16(ThisSocket[2]) << 8;	//Port number is in bytes 2:3
		Port |= Convert::ToInt16(ThisSocket[3]);

		rxIpBytes[0] = ThisSocket[4];	//IP Address in bytes 4:7
		rxIpBytes[1] = ThisSocket[5];
		rxIpBytes[2] = ThisSocket[6];
		rxIpBytes[3] = ThisSocket[7];
Feel free to comment if you can add help to this page or point out issues and solutions you have found. I do not provide support on this site, if you need help with a problem head over to stack overflow.


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