String Conversion To Unicode Byte Array
using namespace System::Text;
array<Byte> ^MyArray = Encoding::Unicode->GetBytes(MyString);
using namespace System::Text;
Encoding ^Unicode1 = Encoding::Unicode;
array<Byte> ^UnicodeBytes = Unicode1->GetBytes("1234"); //Produces: 0x31,0x00,0x32,0x00,0x33,0x00,0x34,0x00
Convert Unicode Bytes To String
using namespace System::Text;
MyString = Encoding::Unicode->GetString(MyByteArray);
Then To Convert To Unicode Words
int Count;
UInt16 UnicodeValue;
for (Count = 0; Count < UnicodeBytes->Length; Count += 2)
UnicodeValue = (UInt16)UnicodeBytes[Count];
UnicodeValue |= ((UInt16)UnicodeBytes[(Count + 1)]) << 8;
txtOutput->Text += "&#" + UnicodeValue + ";";
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