Unlike arrays, the List collection type resizes dynamically.  If you are working with data where you would need to be resizing an array a lot then use a list instead.  It is ideal for linear collections that you don't need to adjust using an index.

Good resources


You need this namespace

using namespace System::Collections::Generic;


	List<LogEventClass^> ^LogEvents = gcnew List<LogEventClass^>();

Adding Objects

	LogEventClass ^LogEvent1 = gcnew LogEventClass();

Removing Objects

Find the object index then


There is also RemoveRange or just Remove where you specify an exact match for it to find and remove.

Total Number Of Objects In A List

	for (Count = 0; Count < LogEvents->Count; Count++)

Reading A List Item

Use an index as with an array.

	SomeVariable = LogEvents[Index];

Working Through A List

	for each (LogEventClass ^LogEvent in LogEvents)

Clear A List


Convert List To An Array

Use ->ToArray();

Copy An Array To A List

	List<LogEventClass^> ^LogEvents = gcnew List<LogEventClass^>(SomeArray);
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