Select the form:

Set the KeyPreview property of the form to true so that keyboard messages are received by the form before they reach any controls on the form.

Create a KeyPress event (detects keys down combined with any modifier key – i.e. no event for pressing CTRL and a modified key value for CTRL + ‘y’

Or create a KeyDown event (detects every key down including modifier keys and gives individual key value)

Example Handler

	//********** FORM KEY DOWN **********
	private: System::Void frmMain_KeyDown(System::Object^  sender, System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs^  e)

			//MessageBox::Show("Form.KeyPress: '" + e->KeyValue.ToString() + "' pressed.");

			if ((Control::ModifierKeys == Keys::Control) && (e->KeyValue == 'L'))		//Key values are for CAPS version of letters

				//----- CTRL+L PRESSED -----
				textBox1->Text = "A";

		catch (Exception ^)
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