Download the library from
Add Newtonsoft.Json.dll to your main project directory.
Right click your project > Properties > Common Properties > Framework & References > Add new reference
Select the Browse tab and select the Newtonsoft.Json.dll file
Convert Json File To Class
using namespace Newtonsoft::Json
public ref class Json_global_channels
public: int channel_id;
public: String ^channel_name;
public ref class Json_user_results //For each sub group of json data create a new class and include it in the parent class
public: String ^valid_request;
public: String ^password_key;
public ref class JsonRootObject
public: Json_user_results ^user_results; //Name the object to match the name in json, in this case "user_results"
public: array<Json_global_channels^> ^global_channels; //Use an array (or List) for repeating json data
//UserJsonData has the json in it
//Deserialize it:
JsonRootObject ^MyJsonData1 = Newtonsoft::Json::JsonConvert::DeserializeObject<JsonRootObject^>(UserJsonData);
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