using namespace System::IO;
Does directory exist?
(Note paths can include a filename if you wish)
if (!Directory::Exists(Path::GetDirectoryName(MyFileName)))
String ^path;
path = "C:\\Atest\\"; // '\\'='\'
if (!Directory::Exists(path))
if (!Directory::Exists("C:\\Atest\\")) // '\\'='\'
Create Directory
(Note paths can include a filename if you wish)
String ^path;
path = "C:\\Atest\\"; // '\\'='\'
Directory::CreateDirectory("C:\\Atest\\"); // '\\'='\'
Delete Directory
if (Directory::Exists("C:\\myfolder\\"))
array<String^> ^files = Directory::GetFiles("C:\\myfolder\\");
for each (String ^sTemp in files)
if (File::Exists(sTemp))
//If file has read only attribute set clear it so that delete can occur
if ((File::GetAttributes(sTemp) & FileAttributes::ReadOnly) == FileAttributes::ReadOnly)
File::SetAttributes(sTemp, FileAttributes::Normal);
catch (IOException ^)
//Can't delete file
Directory::Delete("C:\\myfolder\\", true); //including true will cause subdirectories to be deleted
catch (IOException ^)
//Can't delete folder
Move Up 1 Subdirectory (when a directory no longer exists)
//If last directory is not valid then try directory before it
if (!Directory::Exists(Path::GetDirectoryName(LastFileDirectory)))
if (LastFileDirectory->LastIndexOf("\\") >= 0)
LastFileDirectory = LastFileDirectory->Substring(0, (LastFileDirectory->LastIndexOf("\\"))); //Delete trailing '\'
if (LastFileDirectory->LastIndexOf("\\") >= 0)
LastFileDirectory = LastFileDirectory->Substring(0, (LastFileDirectory->LastIndexOf("\\") + 1)); //Delete directory name up to next '\'
Get Directory Attributes
txtOutput->Text = "Name: " + dir->FullName + "\r\n";
txtOutput->Text += "Created: " + dir->CreationTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + dir->CreationTime.ToLongTimeString();
Get List Of Files In A Directory
String ^sTemp;
array<String^> ^files = Directory::GetFiles(SelectedDirectory);
for each(sTemp in files)
sTemp = sTemp->Substring(SelectedDirectory->Length + 1);
txtFilesToConvert->Text += sTemp + "\r\n";
Get List Of SubDirectories In A Directory
String ^sTemp;
array<string^> ^subDirs = Directory::GetDirectories(SelectedDirectory);
for each(sTemp in subDirs)
sTemp = sTemp->Substring(SelectedDirectory->Length + 1);
txtFilesToConvert->Text += sTemp + "\r\n";
Delete Old Files In A Directory
DateTime DeleteBeforeDateTime = DateTime::Now - TimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0); //Delete files > 2 days old
array<String^> ^files = Directory::GetFiles("C:\\MyFolder\\");
for each(sTemp in files)
if (File::GetCreationTime(sTemp) < DeleteBeforeDateTime)
if (File::Exists(sTemp))
//If file has read only attribute set clear it so that delete can occur
if ((File::GetAttributes(sTemp) & FileAttributes::ReadOnly) == FileAttributes::ReadOnly)
File::SetAttributes(sTemp, FileAttributes::Normal);
catch (IOException ^)
GlobalObjects::EventLog1->AddEvent(true, 0x00, "ExportVideoServer::ProcessTcpServerEvent can't delete old file: " + sTemp);
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