using namespace System::IO;
Open File Dialog Example
String ^LastFileDirectory;
String ^Filename;
//If last directory is not valid then default to My Documents (if you don't include this the catch below won't occur for null strings so the start directory is undefined)
if (!Directory::Exists(LastFileDirectory))
LastFileDirectory = Environment::GetFolderPath(Environment::SpecialFolder::MyDocuments);
//----- FILE OPEN DIALOG BOX -----
OpenFileDialog ^SelectFileDialog = gcnew OpenFileDialog();
SelectFileDialog->Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*"; //"txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
SelectFileDialog->FilterIndex = 1; //(First entry is 1, not 0)
SelectFileDialog->InitialDirectory = LastFileDirectory;
catch (Exception ^)
SelectFileDialog->InitialDirectory = Environment::GetFolderPath(Environment::SpecialFolder::MyDocuments);
//Display dialog box
if (SelectFileDialog->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK)
//----- OPEN THE FILE -----
Filename = SelectFileDialog->FileName;
if (Filename->LastIndexOf("\\") >= 0)
LastFileDirectory = Filename->Substring(0, (Filename->LastIndexOf("\\") + 1));
To Select Multiple Files To Open
//As part of the dialog setup
SelectFileDialog->Multiselect = true;
//To get the selected filenames
Filename = SelectFileDialog->FileName; //Will contain the first file
array ^Filenames = SelectFileDialog->FileNames; //Will contain all files
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