Setting App To Different Localization

Change the local of the current thread System::Threading::Thread::CurrentThread->CurrentCulture = gcnew System::Globalization::CultureInfo("fr-FR"); System::Threading::Thread::CurrentThread->CurrentUICulture = gcnew System::Globalization::CultureInfo("fr-FR"); CurrentCulture is the .NET representation of the default user locale of the system. This controls default number and date formatting and the like. CurrentUICulture refers to the default user interface language, a setting introduced in Windows 2000. This is primarily […]

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.Making Values Localization Safe

To deal with values stored with decimal points or commas, etc depending on the location of a user, for all values (int, single, double, etc) don't use Convert::To# anywhere.  Use ::Parse like this instead: = Int32::Parse(sTemp, System::Globalization::CultureInfo::InvariantCulture);  

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Localization using *.resx files

You can create a separate resources file for each language in managed C++ which contain all the strings used by the application. In the solution explorer, right-click the Resource Files folder for the project > Add > New Item > Visual C++ > Resource > Assembly Resource File (.resx). Give it the name AppLocalization.resx for example. Add your strings to the file. Important […]

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Translation Editing Software

Visual Studio You can of course use Visual Studio, but its not a great way to do multiple languages. Zeta Resource Editor Free language editor tool.  Simply give it a AppLocalization.resz file for language.  Each is shown in the editor simply as a new column. Setup A New Lingohub Project On each of […]

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Providing Translations via the Visual Studio IDE

On your form you wish to localize for a language change the property Localizable to true.   Then change the Language property to the language you wish to set up a new resource file for. Change all the text on the form to the new language. This will create an additional resx file for each […]

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