using namespace System::IO; Open File Dialog Example String ^LastFileDirectory; String ^Filename; //If last directory is not valid then default to My Documents (if you don’t include this the catch below won’t occur for null strings so the start directory is undefined) if (!Directory::Exists(LastFileDirectory)) LastFileDirectory = Environment::GetFolderPath(Environment::SpecialFolder::MyDocuments); //—– FILE OPEN DIALOG BOX —– OpenFileDialog ^SelectFileDialog = […]
Category: File Input and Output
Working With Files
using namespace System::IO; Does file exist? if (File::Exists(“c:\\temp.txt”)) Copy File File::Copy(“c:\\temp1.txt”, “c:\\temp2.txt”); Move File File::Move(“c:\\dir1\\temp1.txt”, “c:\\dir2\\temp1.txt”); //Source, Destination Delete File try { if (File::Exists(“c:\\temp.txt”)) { //If file has read only attribute set clear it so that delete can occur if ((File::GetAttributes(“c:\\temp1.txt”) & FileAttributes::ReadOnly) == FileAttributes::ReadOnly) File::SetAttributes(“c:\\temp1.txt”, FileAttributes::Normal); File::Delete(“c:\\temp1.txt”); } } catch (IOException ^) { MessageBox::Show(L”This […]
User select directory example
String ^SelectedDirectory; FolderBrowserDialog ^SelectFolderDialog = gcnew FolderBrowserDialog(); //Setup dialog box SelectFolderDialog->Description = “Select directory to store files to”; SelectFolderDialog->ShowNewFolderButton = true; SelectFolderDialog->RootFolder = System::Environment::SpecialFolder::Desktop; try { SelectFolderDialog->SelectedPath = SelectedDirectory; //Try and use last selection } catch (Exception ^) { } //Display dialog box if (SelectFolderDialog->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK) { SelectedDirectory = SelectFolderDialog->SelectedPath; //…………. }
Working With Directories
using namespace System::IO; Does directory exist? (Note paths can include a filename if you wish) if (!Directory::Exists(Path::GetDirectoryName(MyFileName))) //or String ^path; path = "C:\\Atest\\"; // '\\'='\' if (!Directory::Exists(path)) //or if (!Directory::Exists("C:\\Atest\\")) // '\\'='\' Create Directory (Note paths can include a filename if you wish) Directory::CreateDirectory(Path::GetDirectoryName(MyFileName)); //or String ^path; path = "C:\\Atest\\"; // '\\'='\' Directory::CreateDirectory(path); //or Directory::CreateDirectory("C:\\Atest\\"); […]