Line Charts Displaying Points Series > Marker Style
Category: Charts
Create a global title object private: DataVisualization::Charting::Title ^ChartTitle1; Set the title //Add the chart title if this is the first time if (ChartTitle1 == nullptr) { ChartTitle1 = gcnew DataVisualization::Charting::Title(); ChartTitle1->Name = L”Title1″; Chart1->Titles->Add(ChartTitle1); } ChartTitle1->Text = L”Test”; //Changing this at any time will update the charts title
Print A Chart
You can go through a process of copying to clipboard, then printing, or you can just use: Chart1->Printing->Print(true);
Copy to clipboard
Copy Chart To Clipbaord MemoryStream ^MemoryStream1 = gcnew MemoryStream(); Chart1->SaveImage(MemoryStream1, DataVisualization::Charting::ChartImageFormat::Bmp); System::Drawing::Bitmap ^Bitmap1 = gcnew System::Drawing::Bitmap(MemoryStream1); System::Windows::Forms::Clipboard::SetImage(Bitmap1);
Axis Specific
ChartsAreas > Collection > ChartArea1 > Axes > Collection This is how you get to the properties for the axis of a basic chart. Labels – The Markers Along Each Axis Intervals shown with decimal places of incorrect value added. The interval setting is a double and if your source value is say a single […]
Deploying Applications Using The Chart Control
The Microsoft chart control is included in .NET 4 and above. For .NET3.5 your application distribution package needs to include mschart.exe and install it as a prerequisite if it is not already on the users PC. You can’t simply include a .dll – mschart.exe needs to be run. Adding MS Chart Controls as a prerequisite […]
Dynamically Altering Charts
this->SuspendLayout(); chart1->ChartAreas[0]->AxisY->Title = L”Kg”; //Set max / min chart1->ChartAreas[0]->AxisY->Minimum = 0; chart1->ChartAreas[0]->AxisY->Maximum = 1000; //Set tool tip text chart1->Series[0]->ToolTip = “#VALX\n#VAL Kg”; //To get possible expressions go to the charts //Series > Map Area > Tool Tip property //Set individual bar colours chart1->Series[0]->Points[0]->Color = Color::Orange; //Point value is point index to set colour of. Set […]
Creating New Chart
Use The Sample Ap The fastest way to choose the basic chart setup you want is to use the sample ap, select the chart you want and adjust it as you want. The code sample it generates may be good (but isn’t always, but once you’ve seen how it works and what options you want […]
Multiple lines on a chart
If you want to display multiple channels (i.e. multiple lines on a line chart) then you create a seperate series for each.
Chart Control General
Installing Microsoft Chart Control for .NET Framework is an add on to VS2008. See here for details of getting it:- or search for “Microsoft Chart Control”. (Microsoft’s chart control is, in fact, a scaled-down version of the Dundas Chart Control.) Also get the Microsoft Chart Controls Add-on for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Adding to […]