Define The DLL Functions
static System::IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
static bool SetForegroundWindow(System::IntPtr hWnd);
Check Some Other Ap Is Not In Foreground
System::IntPtr WinHandle = GetForegroundWindow();
if (WinHandle == ProcessName->MainWindowHandle) //ProcessName is a process we created elsewhere
SetForegroundWindow(this->Handle); //Can test return bool value if we want
//Use this if you want a form to be able to pass a handle to its window
System::IntPtr ApForegroundWindow; //Variable to store this->Handle
SetForegroundWindow(ApForegroundWindow); //Using it
Forcing our application form to the foreground
Outside of fucntion / in header file
static System::IntPtr SetForegroundWindow(System::IntPtr hWnd);
In function
SetForegroundWindow(this->Handle); //Can test return bool value if we want
Which Window Is In Use (In the windows foreground and taking user input)
Outside of function / in header file
static System::IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
In function
System::IntPtr WinHandle;
WinHandle = GetForegroundWindow();
if (WinHandle == SomeOtherProcess->MainWindowHandle)
if (WinHandle != this->Handle)
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