Read XML value from a XML string
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(my_string)) #Load the XML as an element tree object
root = tree.getroot() #Get root element
#Look for an item in the XML root called <Result>
for item in root.findall('Result'):
if item.text == "Success":
print("Found success result")
Read XML value from an XML file
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('my_xml_fiil.xml') #Load the XML as an element tree object
root = tree.getroot() #Get root element
#Look for an item in the XML root called <Result>
for item in root.findall('Result'):
if item.text == "Success":
print("Found success result")
In node present?
if (len(root.findall('Position')) == 0):
Is item empty?
Item is empty if it has no text and no child elements
if (item.text != None) or len(list(item)):
Parse XML values from an XML file
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# create element tree object
tree = ET.parse('my_xml_file.xml') #Load the XML as an element tree object
root = tree.getroot() #Get root element
#Create empty list
my_items_list = []
#Iterate through the XML items
for item in root.findall('./something/item'):
my_dictionary = {} #Create empty dictionary
#Iterate through the child elements of this XML item
for child in item:
if child .text != None:
print("Found item: " + child .tag + "-" + child .text)
my_dictionary[child.tag] = str(child.text) #<<Use str() if you want to stop Python turning numeric values into bytes etc
return my_items_list
Read attribute value in a sub node
for item in root.findall('Position'):
for item2 in item.findall('MovementBlock'):
width = item2.attrib['width'] #Get existing value
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