A Example Heartbeat Timer
In your apps main loop
#----- HEARTBEAT TIMER -----
The Heartbeat Function
import time
#********** HEARTBEAT **********
heartbeat_10ms_timer = 0
heartbeat_100ms_timer = 0
heartbeat_last_1ms_time = round(time.time() * 1000)
def heartbeat_timer():
global heartbeat_10ms_timer
global heartbeat_100ms_timer
global heartbeat_last_1ms_time
while ((round(time.time() * 1000) - heartbeat_last_1ms_time) >= 1): #time.time() gives us seconds as a floating point value from the system clock
#----- HEARTBEAT EVERY 1mS -----
heartbeat_last_1ms_time += 1;
#<<<< Do every 1mS things here
heartbeat_10ms_timer += 1
if (heartbeat_10ms_timer >= 10):
#----- 10mS HEARTBEARTBEAT -----
heartbeat_10ms_timer = 0
#<<<< Do every 10mS things here
heartbeat_100ms_timer += 1
if (heartbeat_100ms_timer >= 100):
#----- 100mS HEARTBEARTBEAT -----
heartbeat_100ms_timer = 0
#<<<< Do every 100mS things here
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