Display a label
lbl_label1 = Label(root, text = "My text")
lbl_label1.place(x=5, y=370)
Setting properties
lbl_label1 = Label(root, text = "My text", bg="white")
borderwidth=2, relief="groove"
font=('', 18, 'bold') #'normal', 'bold', etc
//Using multiple lines to make code easy to read
lbl_label1 = Label(root,
text = "My text",
font=('', 18, 'bold')) #'normal', 'bold', etc
lbl_label1.place(x=5, y=370)
Update label text
#Make it global
global lbl_label1
lbl_label1.configure(text = "New text")
Multi line
Just use the \n newline character.
You’ll need to set anchor and justify if you want the text aligned left (defaults to center).
lbl_my_label = Label(root, text = "My text", anchor="nw", justify="left")
anchor – Values n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, or center. For example, nw means display the information such that its top-left corner is at the top-left corner of the widget.
justify – When there are multiple lines of text displayed, one of left, center, or right.
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