from zipfile import ZipFile 

Extract zip file

    with ZipFile("", 'r') as zip_object: 

    #zip_object.extract("text1.txt", path="C:\\m,y_folder\\temp")     #Extracting a specific file in the zip to a specific location

        zip_object.extractall()            #If you don' provide a path is will extract to the current folder

Create zip file
    with ZipFile(LIGHTING_IMPORT_FILE_NAME, 'w') as zip_object:
        # Adding files that need to be zipped

    # Check to see if the zip file is created
    if os.path.exists(LIGHTING_IMPORT_FILE_NAME):
        print("New lighting file create with changes: " + LIGHTING_IMPORT_FILE_NAME)
        print("An error occured, couldn't create new zip file")
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