Exit an endless loop Python program
This method uses an interrupt to capture keyboard CTRL+C entered on the command line, but then cleanly exits from the program’s main loop.
import signal
import time #Only needed for the usage of sleep()
exit_program_interrupt_triggered = False
#********** KEYBOARD SIGINT HANDLER **********
def keyboard_signint_signal_handler(signal, frame):
global exit_program_interrupt_triggered
print("Keyboard SIGINT")
exit_program_interrupt_triggered = True
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, keyboard_signint_signal_handler) #signal.SIGINT gives an interrupt when Ctrl+C or Ctrl+F2 is typed on the keyboard
#********** MAIN FUNCTION **********
while True: #(Do forever)
#<<<<<Do program stuff
if exit_program_interrupt_triggered:
print("Exiting main loop")
#Sleep to avoid cpu lockup
time.sleep(0.01) #Pause time in seconds
#END OF while True:
print("Shutting down")
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