Our generic setup steps for VS Code

Keyboard shortcuts

File > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts

Transform to Uppercase

ctrl + shift + u

Transform to Lowercase

ctrl + shift + l


File > Preferences > Settings

Use tabs not spaces

Settings > Text editor > Insert spaces = OFF

Settings > Text editor > Detect Indentation = OFF

Turn off auto closing

Settings > Text Editor > Auto Closing Brackets = NEVER

Settings > Text Editor > Auto Closing Comments = NEVER

Settings > Text Editor > Auto Closing Quotes = NEVER


Settings > Text Editor > Editor: Comments: Insert Space = OFF

Remove visually confusing icons in the explorer sidebar

Settings > workbench > Icon Theme > Minimal (Visual Studio Code)

Stop the xplorer pane combining single sub folders with \

Settings > Features > Explorer: Compact Folders

Feel free to comment if you can add help to this page or point out issues and solutions you have found. I do not provide support on this site, if you need help with a problem head over to stack overflow.


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