Theme Transitions


Fades in and grows after a short delay.  Fades out and shrinks after a short delay. Glides when repositioned.

Intended for: A collection of elements


Glides slightly from the right with a quick fade in.  Quickly fades out.

Intended for: Large controls with changing content, such as Frame.


Slides in from above.  Slides out in reverse direction.

Intended for: An element docked to the edge of an app thyat acts like Command Bar, AppBar etc.


Glides slightly from the right with a quick fade in.

Intended for: Pages and other large containers.


Slides in from the right.  Slides out in reverse direction.

Intended for: A flyout pane that acts like SettingsFlyout


Glides in from the bottom with a quick fade in.  Quickly fades out.

Intended for: Popups and things that should act like MenuFlyout


Fades in and grows.  Fades out and shrinks. Glides when repositioned.

Intended for: A collection of elements


Glides to new positon

Intended for: ANy element that can be moved by a layout change.




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