Ensure you have installed the latest Windows 10 SDK


Other things to install

You will need the SDK for the version of Windows you are running on your device. If you don’t have it when you build you will get and error messaage such as: Error Could not find SDK “WindowsIoT, Version=10.0.17134.0”

Visual Studio > Menu > Tools > Get tools and features > Individual components

SDKs, libraries, and frameworks:

  • Windows 10 SDK (#.#.#.#)

Configure The Windows IoT Core device

To be able to deploy applications from Visual Studio the Visual Studio Remote Debugger must be running on your device.  Use Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard > Open device portal or open a Web Browser on your PC and point it to http://<device name/IP address>:8080

  • Username: Administrator
  • Passsword: the password you set when you created the device

Debug > Debug settings > click the Start button under Start Visual Studio Remote Debugger.

If you get an error message about needing to deploy first, now try to deploy and run your project from Visual Studio (see here) before returning here and pressing start again.

Now do a reboot of the device (we found this was needed or the deploy would keep failing).

The next deploy and run should then succeed.

Note: It is possible for the Visual Studio Remote Debugger to time out after long periods of inactivity. If Visual Studio cannot connect to your Windows IoT Core device, try rebooting the device.


Using the command line / powershell you can run this to list all the running processes:


There should be two instances of msvsmon.exe running on the device to confirm that the visual studio debugger is currently running.

(If you have problems there are other fixes for build deploy run not working here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2646858/visual-studio-2010-isnt-building-before-a-run-when-there-are-code-changes )

Feel free to comment if you can add help to this page or point out issues and solutions you have found. I do not provide support on this site, if you need help with a problem head over to stack overflow.


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