The stopwatch is the highest resolution timer available and goes down to 100nano-second resolution. The time cost of the Gpio.Write and Gpio.Read methods can be an issue with time sensitive things. Using Stopwatch To Accurately Delay using System.Diagnostics; private Stopwatch Stopwatch1; Stopwatch1 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); StopwatchWait(5); //Delay in mS //************************************* //************************************* //*********** STOPWATCH WAIT ********** //************************************* //************************************* […]
Category: Timer and Timing
.Timers General
The stopwatch is the highest resolution timer available and goes down to 100nano-second resolution. The time cost of the Gpio.Write and Gpio.Read methods can be an issue with time sensitive things.
Thread Sleep
Using a DispatchedTimer To Call An Event Reguarly Note: A 45mS tick seems to be about the fastest this can be used for in our tests on a RPi 3, lower values don’t make it any faster Using a DispatchedTimer to call async methods