A file encrypted using the following openssl command:

openssl  smime  -encrypt -aes256  -in InFilePath -binary  -outform DEM  
-out OutFilePath PublicKeyFilePath
Decrypt the file
	AsymmetricKeyParameter Key;

	using (var Stream1 = File.OpenRead("C:\\My Folder\\my_private_key1.pem"))
		using (var Reader1 = new StreamReader(Stream1))
			var Pem1 = new PemReader(Reader1);

			var KeyObject = Pem1.ReadObject();

			if (KeyObject is AsymmetricCipherKeyPair pair)
				Key = pair.Private;
			else if (KeyObject is AsymmetricKeyParameter)
				Key = (AsymmetricKeyParameter)KeyObject;

	var EncryptedData = File.ReadAllBytes("C:\\My Folder\\EncryptedFile.bin");

	var Parser = new CmsEnvelopedDataParser (EncryptedData);
	var Recipients = Parser.GetRecipientInfos ();
	byte[] DecryptedData = new Byte[0];

	foreach (RecipientInformation recipient in Recipients.GetRecipients())
		DecryptedData = recipient.GetContent(Key);

	if (DecryptedData.Length > 0)
		FileStream File2 = new FileStream("C:\\My Folder\\DecruptedFile.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
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