This handler cron is intended to be called every 5 mins and will run 5 min tasks and 1 hour tasks, using a timestamp stored for each. If it hasn’t been called every 5 mins it will loop the 5 min tasks to catch up
$CronLastRunDateTime = get_site_option('MYPLUGINNAME_CronLastRunDateTime'); //Already stored as strtotime()
$TheDateTimeNow = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
if ($CronLastRunDateTime === False)
$CronLastRunSecondsAgo = (60 * 60); //Default to 1 hour ago
$CronLastRunSecondsAgo = $TheDateTimeNow - $CronLastRunDateTime;
if ($CronLastRunSecondsAgo < 0)
$CronLastRunSecondsAgo = (5*60); //Something bad has happened, set to run now once
$CronLastRunHour = get_site_option('MYPLUGINNAME_CronLastRunHour', -1);
$TheHourNow = intval(date("H"));
//We want to ensure that we run our every 5 mins tasks multiple times if its taken longer than 5 mins to get here, e.g. on a site where cron isn't happening every 5 mins due to
//low visitor numbers and no dedicated cron event setup.
if ($CronLastRunSecondsAgo > (60 * 60)) //Limit to max 1 hour, if its more than this then discard additional 5 min events as we don't want to go crazy with this feature
$CronLastRunSecondsAgo = (60 * 60);
while ($CronLastRunSecondsAgo >= ((5*60)-10) ) //Give a little bit of error margin, 10 secs
$CronLastRunSecondsAgo -= (5 * 60);
//----- DO ONCE EVERY 5 MINS TASKS -----
//All done - Store the time stamp
update_option('MYPLUGINNAME_CronLastRunDateTime', $TheDateTimeNow, True);
} //while ($CronLastRunSecondsAgo >= ((5*60)-10) )
if ($CronLastRunHour != $TheHourNow)
//----- DO ONCE PER HOUR TASKS -----
//All don - Store the hour
update_option('MYPLUGINNAME_CronLastRunHour', $TheHourNow, True);
} //if ($CronLastRunHour != $TheHourNow)
Feel free to comment if you can add help to this page or point out issues and solutions you have found. I do not provide support on this site, if you need help with a problem head over to stack overflow.