Get an argument
GET only using $_GET
$MyVariable = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['MyVariable']))
$MyVariable = $_REQUEST['MyVariable'];
POST only using $POST
$MyVariable = "";
if (isset($_POST['MyVariable']))
$MyVariable = $_POST['MyVariable'];
$MyVariable = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['MyVariable']))
$MyVariable = $_REQUEST['MyVariable'];
if (isset($_POST['MyVariable']))
$MyVariable = $_POST['MyVariable'];
Did GET or POST occur
Example GET URL
Start with an ‘?’, then separate other values with an ‘&’
To read:
$MyVariable = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['my_variable']))
$MyVariable = $_REQUEST['my_variable'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])) //Note that a value of zero will cause empty() to be true!!!!!!!
if (isset($_REQUEST['source'])) //A value of zero will still give isset() being true so this is often the better choice then empty()
echo $_REQUEST['name_a'] . "<br/>";
echo $_REQUEST['name_b'] . "<br/>";
echo $_REQUEST['name_c'] . "<br/>";
$name_a= $_REQUEST['name_a'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['submitted']) && $_REQUEST['submitted'] == 'yes'))
if (isset($_REQUEST['image_upload_filename']))
if (isset($_REQUEST['image_upload_filename'])) && $_REQUEST['image_upload_filename'] == 'abc')
$arg1 = 0;
if ($_REQUEST['arg1']) //<<Remember this will be false if the value is 0!
$arg1 = (int)$_REQUEST['arg1'];
Example For POST Parameters
echo $_POST['name_a'] . "<br/>";
echo $_POST['name_b'] . "<br/>";
echo $_POST['name_c'] . "<br/>";
$name_a= $_POST['name_a'];
if (isset($_POST['submitted']) && $_POST['submitted'] == 'yes')
Sanitise Them!!!
htmlentities() converts things like < > ” \ etc into HTML strings like < so they become harmless.
echo htmlentities($_REQUEST['name_a']) . "<br/>";
$group_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['gid']);
if($group_id == "")
$group_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['gid']);
Debug Show All Posted Values
echo"[POSTED VALUES START]<br />";
foreach($_POST as $posted_var => $posted_value)
echo $posted_var . ' : ' . $posted_value . "<br>";
echo"[POSTED VALUES END]<br />";
Is A Form Value Present
if ($_POST['delete_user'])
Getting Form Values
Each form item with a name will be posted.
Multiple Images As Submit Buttons
This example witth POST ‘delete_user’ if the button is pressed but not if it isn’t
<input type="image" src="/button_delete.png" alt="Delete" value="Delete" name="delete_user" onClick="return(window.confirm('[var.confirm_popup_javascript]'))" />
//This is the PHP test for was the button pressed
if ($_POST['delete_user_x'])
Getting Arguments From A URL String
$url = "";
parse_str(parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY ), $array_of_vars);
echo $array_of_vars['v'];
//Outputs: fdagikhfdaq
Storing A Value In A Page Using POST
This can be a way of overwriting an existing POST value or passing a value to another php file which will get used as a script include later for an example
$_POST["player_video_id"] = $player_video_id;
$video_index = (int)$_POST['player_video_id'];
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