Function Examples
function GetLongDate ($MyDateTime)
return date("l F jS Y", $MyDateTime);
//Using it
echo GetLongDate (time());
Functions with optional arguments
function MyFunction ($MyArgA, $MyArgB = 22, $MyArgC = "My default value")
//Using it
MyFunction(12, 13);
MyFunction(12, 13, "Hello");
With a default array
function MyFunction ($MyArgA, $MyArgB =
array() )
//Using it
MyFunction(12, array(
'comments' => 0,
'responses' => 33
//Alternative way. and with a sub array added
MyFunction(12, [
'comments' => 0,
'responses' => 33,
'options' => ["min_range" => 18, "max_range" => 124]
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