Running a Python script

  $PathToPython= '/usr/bin/python3';     //Change this if needed to the path of your Python executable 

    $PathToScript = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];      //Will give: "/var/www/vhosts/"
    $PathToScript .= "/myfolder/";

  //Execute the Python script and capture the output 
  $Output = []; 
  $Status = 0; 
  exec("$PathToPython$PathToScript", $Output, $Status); 
  if ($Status === 0)
    //----- SUCCESS -----
    echo "Output from Python script:<br>";
    foreach ($Output as $line)
      echo htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br>";
    //----- AN ERROR OCCURED -----
    echo "Error executing Python script ($Status).";
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