Backing Up In Management Studio Rightclck the database > Tasks > Backup Backup type ‘Full’ Destination Backup to: Disk Add button Do the backup SQL Server Agent is a windows service in SQL server that runs scheduled jobs such as auto backup
Installing, Monitoring, Updating & Removing SQL Server
Installing Connecting Good resourse on setting up network access: Monitoring Performance Monitor Can be used to help you determine if a particular SQL Server currently is experiencing bottlenecks or not Removing SQL Server Control Panel > Add Remove Programs Remove the SQL Server 2008 (not the other SQL Server 2008…. programs first) Updating SQL […]
Overview and Editions
SQL Server Editions SQL Server Compact Edition An Embedded Database Engine. Lightweight, in-process database engine designed to run on devices and desktops and is geared toward local data storage. SQL Server Express Edition The entry point to the data service platform which runs on server and desktop versions of the Windows platform. Has the typical […]
SQL Server Express Edition
Running SQL Server Management Studio on Win 7 On a Win 7 PC the local SQL server will often not be automatically offered and using (localhost) or browsing and finding the SQL server for the local PC caused a “Cannot connect to..” error. The solution is to use this in the server name box when […]
Troubleshooting SQL Server
Connecting via network Use SQL authentication Server name: [pcnetworkname]\SQLEXPRESS,portnumber for example a working string used in the ‘Server name’ box: MY-PC-NAME\sqlexpress,1051 Check the log of the target PC’s SQL server to confirm the PC name and the port it is listening on SQL Server Log You can check the log a PC’s SQL Server: SQL […]