Date input fields

Supported by some HTML5 browsers which will display a date picker datetime db field from date picker When handling form submission In the form

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Refresh after form POST

This is a solution to the problem of pressing refresh after posting a form causing a "resubmit form information message box" for the user.  This simply causes the page to reload and can be placed after handling the POST actions if ( isset($_POST[‘action’])) { //—– AFTER ANY POST RELOAD THE PAGE SO REFRESH CAN BE USED —– […]

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Checkbox Example Handling in PHP Checkboxes with an array of values Get the submitted as an array Get the values as a comma separated string Styling Checkboxes Greyed out, non-editable Just non-editable

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Note – for single line test use <input type=”text” not textarea! Max length Background text Text that vanished when you start typing into the box

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.Form General

Simple form: Submit to same page, see here onSubmit E.g. onSubmit=”return capCheck(this);” means call the javascript function called capCheck PHP Handle Form

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Select Box

Causing Form To Submit OnChange Loading With Selected Setting From PHP – Using an array Loading With Selected Setting From PHP – Using find and replace on a string Doing specific things Get selected item text

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