Get the current group ID
$guid = bp_get_current_group_id();
if (!is_numeric($guid))
die('Unable to get group ID');
Get groups user is a member of
Note – in our tests using a different users user_id instead of bp_displayed_user_id() returned zero results – appears to be a buddypress bug
$GroupIds = groups_get_user_groups(bp_loggedin_user_id());
$GroupIds = $GroupIds['groups'];
foreach ($GroupIds as $GroupId)
Does group exist?
if (bp_get_group($GroupId) === False) //Returns the Group object if found, false otherwise.
return('Invalid group');
Is user group admin?
if (groups_is_user_admin(bp_loggedin_user_id(), $GroupId) === False) //(Returns False or ID of the membership if the user is admin)
return('Invalid user');
Is user a member of group?
if (groups_is_user_member( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $GroupId ) === False) //Returns False or ID
return("Not authorised");
if (groups_is_user_member( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $GroupId ) !== False) //Returns False or ID
return("User is a member");
Get group name
$GroupObject = groups_get_group($GroupId);
$GroupName = $GroupObject->name;
Get group slug
$GroupObject = groups_get_group($GroupId);
$GroupSlug = $GroupObject->slug;
Get Group Admins
$GroupAdmins = groups_get_group_admins($GroupId);
$GroupAdminsUserIds = array();
foreach ($GroupAdmins as $NextGroupAdmin)
$GroupAdminsUserIds[] = $NextGroupAdmin->user_id;
if (empty($GroupAdminsUserIds))
return("Could not find group admin");
Get Group Members
//------ GET GROUP MEMBERS -----
$GroupMembers = groups_get_group_members(array('group_id' => $GroupId, 'exclude_admins_mods' => false));
$GroupMembersUserIds = array();
foreach ($GroupMembers['members'] as $GroupMember)
$GroupMembersUserIds[] = $GroupMember->ID;
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