INSERT Example

    #Strings should be added as parameters to avoid sanatisation risks unless you know they are safe.
    #Other values can be added as parameters too or inline in the INSERT text.    
    db1cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO my_table (
                    ) VALUES (
                    (my_value1, my_string1));
    #if db1cursor.rowcount < 0:
    #    print("FAILED");
Important note about sanitised parameters – providing only one parameter

If you are providing just a single parameter you must include a trailing comma like below, this is to make sure the parameter field is seen as a tuple of length one.


INSERT and get Auto Increment value

    #Strings should be added as parameters to avoid sanatisation risks unless you know they are safe.
    #Other values can be added as parameters too or inline in the INSERT text.    
    db1cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO my_table (
                    ) VALUES (
                    (my_value1, my_string1));
    new_row_id_value = db1cursor.lastrowid
    #if db1cursor.rowcount < 0:
    #    print("FAILED");

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