You can define a style inline in the XAML for a control, or as a reusable resource.

Defining styles as a reusable resource

Style definition locations

An individual page’s XAML file (will override a same named resource in App.xaml)

Will override a same named resource in App.xaml if present.

In the App.xaml file

In a separate resource dictionary XAML file

Can be shared across apps, and more than one resource dictionary can be merged in a single app).

Scope is determined by where the resource dictionary is referenced.

Style definitions

TargetType attribute

String that specifies a FrameworkElement type to apply the style to.

Must specify a FrameworkElement-derived type that’s defined by the Windows Runtime or a custom type that’s available in a referenced assembly.

If you try to apply a style to a control and the control’s type doesn’t match the TargetType attribute of the style you’re trying to apply, an exception occurs.

Setter elements

A collection of one or more Setter elements.  Each requires a Property and a Value.


If a style contains the x:Key attribute, you can only apply it to a control by setting the Style property of the control to the keyed style. A style without an x:Key attribute is automatically applied to every control of its target type, that doesn’t otherwise have an explicit style setting.

Inheriting from other styles

Use the BasedOn property

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