json Array Example 1
"Result": "OK",
"SomethingA": "1234",
"SomethingB": "A b c d",
"AnEntryA": "20",
"AnEntryB": "25",
"AnEntryC": "1"
"SimpleArray": ["apples", "oranges", "pairs"]
json Array Example 2
"Result": "OK",
"SomethingA": "1234",
"SomethingB": "A b c d",
"AnEntryA": "20"
"AnEntryB": "25"
"AnEntryC": "1",
"SomethingElse": "Q"
"SimpleArray": ["apples", "oranges", "pairs"]
json example 2
return ('{ "Result": "OK" }');
return ('{ "Result": "Error", "Reason": "Record not found" }');
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