Which is best?

Put simply, use a VARCHAR field instead of TEXT for columns between 255 and 65k characters if possible as it will lead to potentially fewer disk reads and less writes.

  • Max size of 65535 characters
  • Uses 2+n bytes to store the value where n is the length of the stored string.
  • Stored inline within the table like other values
  • Can be handled in memory
  • Can be indexed
  • Max size of 65535 characters (more for mediumtext and longtext)
  • Uses 2+n bytes to store the value where n is the length of the stored string.
  • TEXT is stored off table with the table having a pointer to the location of the actual storage.
  • Using a TEXT column in a sort or in the results will require the use of a disk-based temporary table as it can’t be handled in RAM.
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