$DecodedJson= json_decode($JsonData, TRUE);
  if (!is_null($DecodedJson))
    echo "Json Value1: " . $DecodedJson[0]['trends'];
    echo "<br><br>";

Check for json values present

  $DecodedJson = json_decode($result, TRUE);
  if (!is_null($DecodedJson))
    if (isset($DecodedJson['data']))
      echo $DecodedJson['data'];

    if (isset($DecodedJson['result'][0]['longitude']))
      echo $DecodedJson['result'][0]['longitude'];

Reading json from a file

	if (is_file('found_wifi_networks.json'))
		$file_contents = file_get_contents('found_wifi_networks.json');
		$decoded_json = json_decode($file_contents, TRUE);
		echo "<br /><br />";
		$results_count = count($decoded_json['FoundWiFiNetworks']);
		for ($count = 0; $count < $results_count; $count++)
			echo "Result " . ($count + 1) . ": " . $decoded_json['FoundWiFiNetworks'][$count][SSID] . "<br />";
		echo "<br /><br />";

json stored within json fields

When you decode remember that you will need to decode the nested json field as a separate decode operation, you won’t get a single array which automatically nests the sub json.

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