Escape Characters
In both types of string:
' needs to be \'
\ needs to be \\
In ” ” strings:
" needs to be \"
\t tab
\n new line
\r return
Note, using say ‘\n’ will not create a newline character, it will create the characters \n !!!!! \n only works in a “” string!!
Joining strings
Use the period character ‘.’
You can also use .=
$body = "Some" . " text";
$body .= "Some more text";
Is String Empty
$my_string = trim($my_string);
if (!empty($my_string))
//Do something
$length = strlen($MyString);
‘ vs “
‘ single quotes assigns a string using its exact contents. So if you want to include variables you have to do this:
echo 'His name is ' . $name . ' and his age is' . $age';
” double quotes assigns a string but if the string contains a variable name the php parser will attempt to evaluate it, so you can use it like this:
echo "His name is $name and his age is $age";
Variables and arrray values in a string
echo "His name is $name";
echo "His name is ${name}y"; //<<Curley braces can be used if you need to force PHP to see a variable name within other characters
echo "His name is ${MyArray['name']}"; //<<Also allows array values to be included
Echo A Block Of Text
echo "Some
blah blah";
Abbreviated way of inserting an echo in HTML
“<?=” can be used in place of “<?php echo”
<?="<p>Hello world</p>";?>
Is the same as:
<?php echo "<p>Hello world</p>";?>
Heredoc string
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