Create CMakeLists.txt

A typical C/C++ SDK uses the CMake build automation tool which needs us to create “CMakeLists.txt”, containing the instructions describing the project sources files and targets.

In Visual Studio Code:

Menu > File > New File

Menu > File > Save As > “CMakeLists.txt”

An example to paste this code into the file:

# Set minimum required version of CMake
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)

# Include build functions from your SDK

# Set name of project (as PROJECT_NAME) and C/C++ Standards
project(blink-led C CXX ASM)

# Point out where to find the executable source file

# Pull in our pico_stdlib which pulls in commonly used features (gpio, timer-delay etc)
#            mysdk_stdlib

Close and re-open Visual Studio, Explorer > Open Folder > Open your project folder

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